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Deploying your app


In this page you will learn how to deploy your apps in Docker Deploy. But first letโ€™s take a look on where are you private images stored.

Where is your image stored?

For Docker Deploy to deploy your image, we need to be able to pull it. Thatโ€™s why you get a private repository from us (included in the account) to push your images, either from your CI/CD pipeline or directly from your computer.


To be able to deploy your app, your will first need the following:

  1. An app that runs.
  2. A Dockerfile that builds your image properly
  3. An account on Docker Deploy

If something in this list is missing, go fix/get it first and then come back!

Build and push your image

To be able to deploy your app locally, your will first need to install the Docker Deploy CLI.

Then just run dd-cli build where your Dockerfile is located to build and publish your image into the image registry.

After building the image, you will see the image tag in the terminal. You can use it to reference your image in your compose files.

Reference your image

Now you only need to reference your image in your Docker Compose file (see example):